This is a non-profit, independent Christian ministry, not associated directly with any denomination, sect, division, or church.
The core curriculum was written by Pat "Rick David" Yanello
[About Author / Greetings], an evangelist and minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. All Scriptures are quoted from the New American Standard (NAS) Version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.
It is run by individual Christians from various places.
We have no formal or valid statement of faith other than the Holy Scriptures. No one should be required or expected to confess, adhere to, uphold, or to pin their faith on a man-made statement or uninspired document, or elevate such things over the Bible. I appeal to Christians everywhere to only use the inspired document, the Bible, as their statement of faith, nothing else. Register now to complete our free studies, and then in great measure we believe that you will have the chance to understand the 'statement of faith' that God wants you to have. And below, read about the meaning and purpose of this Bible study ministry as summarized in the following three tracts.